Our mission ... sustaining wages for a group of diverse artists.
From the front of the house, in the box office and business office, behind the stage with the director, crew, designers and stage managers, to the actors onstage, everyone in the CCS family are ARTISTS.
Together we serve our communities in diverse storytelling from our shared experience. We exist to give voice and form to ideas familiar and foreign. Working with and experiencing CCS means joining a creative collaborative to help tell our collective stories in new ways.
All our artists deserve the opportunity to thrive. Your support not only gives a living wage, but it attracts world-class talent to our community, and gives us the ability to reach into new theatre experiences and pieces.
In this historic time, we are all creating new ways to work, live and play. Crescent City Stage is ready to do the same. Your contribution is a building block of a new way to tell stories, in an environment where every artist has value.
Let’s build together. Donate today.
Share our story so we can share yours.
*If you prefer donating via Venmo @CrescentCityStage
*If you prefer sending a check, please mail to:
Crescent City Stage, 3430 Coliseum Street, New Orleans, LA 70115
Crescent City Stage is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which makes all donations to us tax-deductible to the extent as allowed by law.
EIN 85-1507824
Please contact your tax advisor for more information.